Friday, May 12, 2006

the gene hackman is underwater film festival

i have been fucking ill for the past day and a half. what i thought was another sinus problem turned into some weird stomach flu thing. the headache that felt like someone had stuffed an balloon in my ear and was inflating it started at the left ear canal/side of my head and slowly got bigger till the entire left hemisphere of my brain was under pressure. to top it off the mere sight or smell of food made me want to vomit. even a strong decongestant and advil didn't help much. my ears popped constantly and i cursed allergy season. i even felt hot and then bitterly cold by turns for no good reason.

the only thing that made me feel better was drifting into unconsciousness.

one smart person gave me a suggestion that my over the counter drug addled brain would have never come up with. take lots of vitamins. when this person, who is awesome and is now my new consulting doctor, said that it occured to me, patient cranky, that was a great fucking idea.


because i had a bunch of 500 mg vitamin c tablets that were doing nothing but tasting fruity to no one. shit, what did i have to lose? i immediately took 2000 mg and felt kinda better. the decongestants seemed to make more headway and my nausea lessened.

it's a miracle!

today, i felt quite a bit better and while my head still hurt it wasn't so bad and i was at least able to eat small quantities of food. i went to sleep for long periods of time like i had the day before and woke up around 1:30. i actually feel a hell of a lot better, witness the fact that i am writing this entry at all. earlier this evening, it hurt to look at the computer screen for too long.

so i wake up to some stupid late night tv crap and decide to see what else is on. not long ago, i flipped around and found an amazing mess of seventies cheese flicks, like "the car" that delighted me to no end. besides, this is one of the few times in the day when the beloved "law and order" is not on and "x-files" episodes they are playing late night are from the doggett season. sorry, just not my thing.

so i find that the reviled AMC will be playing another dopey seventies classic, freshly remade by hollywood -twice, "the poseidon adventure". one of my favorite things about this freshly sliced muenster is the rock jawed performance of one gene hackman. it doesn't matter that he is in a completely over the top senseless disaster movie by the hack of all disaster hacks, irwin allen, he still gives it his all.

now that's an actor.

pleased by the ending and changing the channel away from the garish closing credits, blue background, yellow lettering, i flip through the guide and find to my delight another movie with gene hackman underwater. technically, this one is more of a nice sliced brie but is still just as overwrought and full of itself.

"crimson tide"

hackman is still good.