Saturday, January 14, 2006

"you're so big"

that doesn't mean what y0u may think it means. it is just an random favorite quote for you to remember or not. late night horror flicks on tee-vee.

see how they run.
under the gun.

hawthorne california.
bootstraps. los liones.
bluebirds. rustling in the underbrush.
j. paul getty. heart's blood and poetry.
vampires. boxes unopened. dios malos.
thought and action.
stillness and calm
full moon. red rain.

i realized that i am completely random right now. part of me seems to be gone. floating somewhere without me. today i remembered that i have written a good chunk of poetry that doesn't fill me with a desire to sink into the ground. that's new for me. i thought of collecting it and floating it on a blog, kind of like a barge floating downstream. just so i don't lose it. not that it is important or anything.

crux and crisis.
holding off disaster
playing the odds
cheating the master.

i really need to stop doing this.


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